
Machu Picchu

Almost everyone knows that Machu Picchu was discovered by Hiram Bingham, who led the adventure to find the lost city of the Incas. After it was discovered, it took a few years to build the railway that actually connects Cusco with Quillabamba in the jungle.

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Chazuta cultural heritage in the Jungle

Leaving Tarapoto by the main highway, you will reach the bridge that crosses the Mayo River. From there, you have to follow the road that follows the course of the river, soon you will meet the Great Huallaga, another river that will carry its waters to the Amazonas River. The Huallaga is not a common river; on its way thousands of human activities take place every day: fishing, agriculture, trade, among many others. But the town of Chazuta has something special

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Tanta andean portraits

Traveling to the main center of Peru, we went to Tanta village to be part of a new tourism activity arranged by the llama shepherd traders, they are working on keeping alive the ancient use of llamas for trading along the main Inca trail from Tanta to Jauja, passing by Pariacaca mountain.
Tanta is a village located in the middle of the Andes

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Los Lomeros

Once the hills of the coast, start to become green in July, the “lomeros”, the transhumance people that use these lands, begin to descend with their animals from the Andes to spend the winter there. For centuries a way of life.
In between january and april shepherds from the western Andes live at highlands in the Andes along the whole country. Then the rain ends and dryness starts to reign, so in June when rain begins in the coast and practically everything is dry at the mountains, the families of lomeros start to prepare their stuff to come down to the coast. Usually is in august that they are at their camps along the “lomas”. the Peruvian coastal hills.

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