Lima has become the biggest and main city in Peru. Almost a third part of the population of the country lives here. The old central market for many years has been the heart of the Limenian tradition. Today modern retail is part of our lives, however, there is still room for the local markets, and this is one of the main markets of the city.
The old houses had changed to galleries and small shops, so to trade and do business there are plenty of options, importers and dealers offered strategically distributed around the blocks, products for beauty, kitchen, eyeglasses, silver, etc. similar to the old names and distribution of the colonial Lima streets.
Caos is part of every market, however, the sense of safety is good enough, but do not try to go alone with a very expensive camera, and never intend to get far from the main streets, out from the border of the market is quite unsafe.

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Written and photographed by Jaime Quiroz Tirado

central market of lima

El antiguo mercado ha sido por mucho tiempo el corazón de la tradición limeña y hoy se ofrecen productos de todo tipo, siendo aún uno de los principales mercados de la ciudad.
Las viejas casonas se han transformado en galerías y tiendas, algunas en oscuros almacenes, pero si alguien necesita hacer negocio, aquí es donde encuentra a muchos mayoristas e importadores estratégicamente distribuidos en calles especializadas en artículos de belleza, cocina, menaje, arte, anteojos, juguetes, etc.
El caos es parte de el, y aún con una seguridad bastante aceptable, salir de sus límites puede resultar en una peligrosa experiencia.
Buen viaje!

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